Last week the Congress approved the bill on additional appropriations for the war. Making an affront to all those who thought they had voted for an antiwar candidate, the current president will send another 106 billion dollars that we do not have to continue the bloodshed in Afghanistan and Iraq, making no mention of a plan to bring the our soldiers home.
Many colleagues who voted with me when I objected to any request for additional appropriations of war during the previous administration, now seem to have changed the registry. I argue that a vote to fund the war is a vote for war. Congress exercises its constitutional prerogatives by force of financial resources, and until Congress will continue to allow these dangerous operations abroad, there is no end to the horizon, until we face the full economic collapse.
Due to their spending habits, a collapse of the economy seems to be the goal of Congress and this administration. Washington domestic spending with impunity, save and nationalizing anything that happens in his hands, and foreign aid and financing to the IMF provided in this bill can be defined exactly as the International Rescue!
While Americans trudging during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, this design Act makes additional appropriations received $ 660 million in Gaza, $ 555 million to Israel, $ 310 million to Egypt, to Jordan $ 300 million and 420 million dollars to Mexico. Approximately 889 million dollars will be sent to the United Nations for so-called missions of "peacekeeping" and almost a billion dollars will be sent abroad to face the global financial crisis beyond our borders. Almost $ 8 billion will be spent to counter a "potential influenza pandemic" that could lead to mandatory vaccinations without any specific reason other than to enrich the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the vaccine.
Perhaps the most outrageous are the $ 108 billion loan guarantee to the International Monetary Fund. These new loans granted to allow this destructive organization to continue to spend taxpayers' money to support and encourage corrupt leaders of the damaging economic policies abroad.
Submission to the IMF for money for the American taxpayers not only harms the citizens of the United States but has also shown that hurts those who have the presumption to help. Together with the IMF loans came the necessary changes in the policy of the IMF, called Structural Modification Program, which is equivalent to a forced Keynesianism. This is the same economic model imaginative that has devastated our country, and loans to the IMF are the Trojan horse to bring down others. Perhaps more worrying is the fact that the leaders of nations tend to target more interested in the wishes of the international elite to the desires and needs of their populations. Argentina and Kenya are just two examples of countries that have followed the orders of the IMF and have fallen into the abyss. Often, the IMF recommended that the poorest nations a devaluation of their currency, an operation that has ruined this country already bled repeatedly. There is also a long list of vicious dictators who support candidates and the IMF has argued that loans that have left their populations burdened with huge amounts of debt on their shoulders without being able to show any economic improvement.
by forwarding our money to the IMF are causing nothing but evil and global oppression. Not to mention the fact that there is no constitutional authority to do so. Our continued presence in Iraq and Afghanistan does not make us safer at home but, in fact, weakens our national security. I was so vehemently opposed to this bill on supplementary appropriations, and I was dismayed to see him with such ease approve.
Dr. Ron Paul is a member of Congress in the ranks of the Republican Party and in 2008 was one of the candidates for president of the United States of America.
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