E 'Michael Jackson dead. A man who tried the skin change, investigated and tried for suspected pedophilia (acquitted of many doubts), phobic to the point of being afraid to shake hands with people because he was afraid of catching diseases, cowardly father and the Empire: Do you remember when he mounted, the infant son by balcony of the house?
Yet, had everything that the modern crowd longing to have: success, international fame and money, lots of money, and there are those who cry tears her hair and even kill you (twelve of his fans would have committed suicide) for this' Plastic Man, the symbol of consumerism and the degeneration of Western civilization.
For him that is what he said about Debord's Society of the Spectacle: "Those who have possible that their lives are a mess did not have any right to be treated charitably. "
rather mourn the honest workers died from workplace injuries, Palestinian children for the victims of Zionism, for those who daily struggles and sacrifices his life for the truth.
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