"An eco monster built at the foot of Villa Torlonia. A huge rectangular, black as hell, that terrorizzerĂ residents and especially children from the neighborhood Nomentano, which may Financo on large screens outside the H24 program the transmission of video on the deportation of the Jews. "
From an article by Thomas Martini (http://www.sindromedistendhal.com/Alzheimer/Memoria-08/museo-shoah-roma.htm) we learn that things are even worse: the non-rectangular will be built "feet" of the Villa, but just inside the park (3 thousand square meters inside the park, "and that is a green area of \u200b\u200b14 hectares, one of the lungs of Rome). The article, although from the perspective of celebration, reminiscent of the protests of local residents who "tried to resist the overbuilding of the park." In fact, the blog "Via Torlonia" (expressing the positions of the COMMITTEE FOR THE SAFETY OF RESIDENTS VIA Alessandro Torlonia), we learn more, shocking details:
"The building will be three floors, including a basement, not to give shade the surrounding buildings. In all 10 m height of about 1,300 square meters of the base, which will develop about 2,500 of floor space for permanent and temporary exhibitions, audio-visual courses, a conference room of 150 seats, a library. Outside will be presented as a box with a huge black and polished smooth face engraved with names of Italian Jews deported to concentration camps by the Nazis. Let's do some 'accounts? 10 square meters in elevation, plus at least five meters underground = 15 x 1.300 square meters ... is 19,500 cubic meters. Almost twenty thousand cubic meters of concrete and have the courage to say that it will be a low environmental impact? "(Http://viatorlonia.blogspot.com/2007/03/il-progetto-per-il-museo-della- shoah.html ).
dell'ecomostro The opening date should be that of 16 October 2010. The President of the Museum of the Shoah Foundation and the Prize laureate Elie Wiesel (on the career of this eminent false witness of the Holocaust, see the caveats of Robert Faurisson: http://www.ihr.org/leaflets/wiesel.shtml).
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