Graziano Cecchini - LETTER TO YOUNG
Graziano Cecchini LETTER TO YOUNG Fiuggi, June 27, 2009
Italian Youth to
Where were we!
I start from where we together for the purposes of the twentieth century of our history
Escape from you again to enter with force in the twenty-first century and continue the journey ....
After a long silence and after the destruction of our dreams, here it comes again ...
A new, the only possible dream, to be proud of a great past, that past that made possible what we now consider our springboard to rise toward new conquests, that past - that we deliver remaining faithful to the story the basics. I am sure and convinced that you will recognize them: the value and modernity this dream that we turn into political reality, recognize the voice that has pulled together in difficult times and who lived with you the days of difficult + ever, our world-a time my generation wrote on the walls "in a world mice stands a wolf population "here today, we should be hungry wolves devour the policy we must bring our values \u200b\u200band leave their liturgies that we have lost because of these decades and we were stuck in the swamp of deception. again with new momentum to the speed of gigabytes, innovative and strong as warriors XX1sec weds.
I delayed some time before directing them to you-because, after a period of isolation moral, ethical and political resumption was necessary to contact you-you
spine repeatedly exploited and misunderstood, we all now ... together! We can deal calmly and without prejudice to the new road, now we provide the first small step for the long journey, with courage, energy innovation will lead us to victory! You are the future! Convince yourself of this and nothing will be impossible, smile to the life and logic of those who chose the path of servitude in all its forms - claimed with energy
Belonging to the tradition - claimed the will to live! Remember nothing is impossible.
Radio, Tv newspapers do not allow long speeches, do not explain the historical moment they speak only of the Dwarves, and hoes as well as the policy that does not know + what must be done to solve the problems of our country, without mentioning the former for now, the situation is known we will be the conscience of the country we will be strongly detector all emergencies, beyond the conventional concept of right and left - we will be neither right nor left.
We will be the new life, is the most incredible adventures. We are the political innovation of the twenty-first century we have entered.
II talks with other political entity is unnecessary and devastating Us! Instead we will be the magnet that will attract the best and this will make us strong + beyond the logic of electoral and political coexistence partitocratica.
Because I am convinced that today, it is impossible to find a politician with whom to make an argument free from any condition, since the compromise of the system and practice. This makes me think that the outbreak of political crisis is imminent.
E 'already been done, in peace and war, a minister has resigned, fired a secretary, a dancer who becomes a minister - a jackass mayor. forgetting: a unique event in history that a man who, convinced of his ideas may fall into the logic partitocratica how the different entities of which we are surrounded, for years have borne the burden of ghettoization and we managed to be alive with energy - have a mess of pottage they call power - trying to continue the logic of segregation - would relegate us back into the liturgy of the most vulgar ideological opposition, but this time the 'I allow! They made the choice - to be servants of politics is why you are comfortably seated on chairs of anti-'s anti-anti - ... We claim the roots of our past, we say again, all that is entrusted to history, we are men of today we are those of the XXI century, true to tradition will not let + be the second anniversary one day ... one day in favor of anti-ideological Kaos will not allow more energy to meet demand with their choices. We will not allow it to be used the memory of boys killed in the seventies, who in shameful manner for purposes of specula-shop between fascism and anti-fascism and anti-communism among ...
We are well and why - say "WE OR 'RIGHT IN LEFT
With complete, I say absolute loyalty, we will stop and we will fight vigorously to defend our political existence.
The word "loyalty" has a deep, unmistakable I want to say forever, in our soul, is the word that sums up in the individual and collective in the spirit world where we belong.
And for this we will not allow + to be "hostage" the logic of those who do not know what the loyalty.
The company will be revealing the organization and spirit of initiative and the decision of a new concept in light of them young and this will not be blackmailed memorable in the history of our country. Over time it will become legendary, and this depends on you young.
Here ends the chapter might be called the personal drama of every one of us, but it is a very significant episode in the face of terrible tragedy which old trombones led us. + this must not happen.
Governments and add liberal democratic and constitutional government regime have thrown the nation into the abyss of insecurity-- health economy work the list is endless, and with this burden in their political representation still say they want to do good to the people . We must scream-Enough! .
not believe in a first-time programs so catastrophic in respect of the country, the nation itself. But a few days after the first measurements indicated that the application was in place a program aimed at destroying the work accomplished by the scheme (sorry for the government) before and in doing so and forgot forget that, in doing so, over the years have erased years of glorious history and culture that had given Italy a world cultural dominance and a place that no country had ever had in the world.
Today, in front of the ruins in front of the smallness of politics, which continues our viewers in our territory would anyone want hairs to try and compromise formulas as regards mitigating the liability and then continue into the ambiguity. We say enough!
We are looking for new economies to save jobs you ask for money to the state the country is divided in two speeds - north and south continues to make great assistance to the finance policy.
Banks and no one looks at the art - and with little money and clever ideas can become our source of energy. Young People, Youth! we make the impossible possible-on with courage and strength we are the future. We always ahead Graziano Cecchini / azionefuturista Graziano Cecchini facebook
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