Interview with prof.
Consulate Sandro Francesco Mancinelli (
Let's start from the roots ... Europe has actually the "Judeo-Christian roots," as you would like to share more?
"Young Evola to pay proclaimed the anti-European Imperialism and warned against a danger euro-Christian ... However, a European culture markedly unitary from the Atlantic to the Urals, from Iceland to Malta, it was actually only came with the Middle Ages, with the Christianization of our continent, of lands and peoples which was alien to early Christianity, as born within ethnic and religious Judaism. But precisely because Christianity is originally an alien phenomenon, one can not speak of the deep roots of Europe without referring to the pre-Christian world, with the Hellenic and Roman traditions and those of the Celtic peoples, Germanic, Baltic and Slavic peoples, who then gave their color to a Christian society. "
But the European spirituality must take account of living religions, not extinct
..." Well, while there are some countries Europeans have given legal recognition to the existence and practice of the pagan world. The whole of Europe must take account of such facts, even spreading to the east: in Lithuania the indigenous paganism, which is also recognized by the state, has a long and lively, for example. One of our delegation, led by Daniele Liotta, invited in Latvia at the International Conference of the ethnic religions in June 2007, there has seen how the Gentiles may be a normal, a figure of national identity. The day of the pagan Solstice enter free museums, such as ".
And in Italy, the homeland of the Romans?
" When it comes to paganism must take two separate phenomena: elite and popular religious traditions. In Celtic countries, Scandinavian, Baltic and Slavic, compared to the Mediterranean, namely Italy and Greece, the popular paganism is perhaps succeeded over the centuries, and in certain areas, to remain more independent from Christianity, but only in the Mediterranean ( which still remain popular even as interesting survivals as Christian) have always been elites seem to be pagan, and that it is due to the continuity of its superior Greek culture, the vehicle down to us of Neoplatonism, which is the highest philosophical paganism , Hermeticism and alchemy rituals more strictly related to the private and civic religion in the world classic. In the Renaissance, that is not just loosen the bonds of medieval religious control, then rinserrati by Reformation and Counter Reformation, there are obvious forms of pagan revival can not be explained without a subterranean continuity through the ages. In Greece there is a 400 pay-Platonic republic Giorgio Gemisto Plethon, in Italy the Roman Academy of Pomponio Leto, which is revealed by the survival of the papacy maximum pay in the city of the popes. Between these two there was also a relationship, and not by chance that the tomb is in Italy Plethon. Alongside all this there is then the self-addressed return to a pagan ritual to the ancient gods by individuals or groups, all belonging educated in classes, as was the classical Latin and monuments that could draw on formulas, customs, religious practices ".
in contemporary
What remains?
" The most decisive public statement about the permanence up to us a initiation place - which means the esoteric tradition - Roman Italic-pay was made in 1928 by Arturo Reghini in a prestigious journal Science initiation, UR, conducted by Julius Evola, in turn author in 1928 mentioned earlier pagan imperialism, which explicitly invited the child to the fascist regime to take over the spiritual reference to the pagan empire. In an article signed with his pseudonym (all employees of the magazine had an obligation anonymity), Reghini wrote that, as it might seem unlikely, an initiation was continuously maintained by the Roman Empire until the end of this time, with a continuity even physical transmission. Reghini was not one of the many occultists of the twentieth century, but a powerful spiritual figure, a famous explorer and renewing of the Pythagorean mathematics: his words have a not insignificant burden. In this step, you can only grasp at times, certain traces in the cultural and political history of Italy. Who wants to get closer to paganism, in today, should not necessarily look at what appears to him more closely, and do not be afraid to practice the rites without the comfort of a century behind the visible reality, which is the security that is sought in the great historical religions. You have to have a little 'courage humanist of the fifteenth century or the student, who read a prayer or a ritual to offer a classic Latin, said to himself: "And if I did I would happen? ".
Who are the groups, the personalities of the Italian paganism?
"In Italy there are individuals and groups who refer generically to paganism, or that they understand it in a non-Roman Italic and no classic, but even Celtic or Nordic odinistico: makes no sense, because if in ancient Italy and then folk traditions there is a component Celtic Odin in Italy was never at home: the Lombards, which is also an investigator, arrived in Italy already Christianized, although poorly, the Normans in the South, then, the Vikings were not pagan ... But there are groups that do not like advertising, magazines that are not, who do not have websites. The Traditional Roman Movement which I belong, has chosen the path of a presence active cultural and otherwise, and groups in various regions of Italy. At the public level is also reported the Association of Romania Quirites Forlì. We in the MTR cultural work with a site and a forum on the Internet (and, but especially with the print magazine The Citadel (There is also Arthos, but only in part this is something pagan). However, what characterizes the MTR is that it has reached a cultural status acknowledged that the door to dialogue with personalities from the academic and intellectual sympathy by nonconformists. Sure: the cultural activity in itself does not make anyone pay more than another, but it is evident that the quality of this activity helps to legitimize the social activities more strictly spiritual. "
About cultural activities, she has worked also to the collective volume of the Ar 'gentle seed', which questioned on their roots
Europe ... "Yes, he did well to mention that volume. Look, I consider it one of the most effective evidence of the existence in Italy of a pagan culture of high-level, able to compete with the big philosophical questions, historical, political. Edizioni Ar, especially in recent years have also given them a great contribution to make normal speech of paganism.
In Italy, but not limited to, paganism has a history that is intertwined with fascism before and with neo-fascism, the radical right then. How do you explain?
"The fact is that from its very beginnings fascism has affected certain personalities and certain circles, which claim that the movement of Mussolini a great historic opportunity to give Italy a great historical role, that the reference to Rome made it a requirement. It 's true for Giacomo Boni, Arturo Reghini to Julius Evola. And that is why an Italian charged today, may very well claim not to be fascist, but it certainly can not declare itself anti-fascist. Contrary to what you believe in fascism Roman paganism has not had much relief. Now, paganism can also be given a philosophical elite, but Romania must always be translated into political reality, in state order, social. However, the birth of the Dioscuri, within a New Order in the late 60's, was very important. Write in public, as they did, that to restore a traditional order not only to Italy but to the whole world needed to rekindle the fire of Vesta at Rome was not a trivial matter, especially then. "
But what is the religious life of a pagan Roman Empire of our day?
" It 's a life centered on a cult that is to say private well when the Community, as the religion of the Romans was the first religion of the Roman state (its priests were judges, this should not be forgotten), and to be fully restored public worship should be a state. The private cult, as indeed the public, is marked by the ancient Roman calendar, with its Kalends, Ides and ninth. For many years, Renato del Ponte, the traditional Roman personalities of our time, published a calendar us closer to the sacred time of our greatest. But let me conclude by saying that the ancient Romans and Greeks who were not knew they were pagans and idolaters. The first is a controversial term coined by Christians in relation to survival in the pages of ancient cults, that in rural villages, the second a modern scientific term. Our ancients knew only to be pious and very religious worship and as such had more of, not because it ignores a unitary metaphysical reality but because they knew that this reality is expressed in a wonderful variety of forms and functions that make the universe sacred and beautiful. If the two terms, pagans and polytheists, simply serve to make it clear now: the first we refer to the pre-Christian spirituality, the second in the classical pantheon, then we can also define us pagans and polytheists, if they are confusing (eg. allowing it to be associated with unpleasant occult new age), then it is better to focus the definition of traditional Roman provided that it is the latter that we speak. "
is distancing from the term" pay "?...
"No, not at all. In the end you pay is a fundamental hallmark, not of compromise with what came next, which is often useful to escape the dangers of certain spiritual vision, for which the "good" of the ancient world was finally absorbed by Christian monotheism and Islamic. And then, even in academic circles the term paganism is commonly used to refer not only to Greek and Roman religion, but the same philosophies and ancient literature, from Plato to Proclus, from Homer to Virgil. In short, paganism is the fundamental of European culture can not be a term criminalized, nor saddled with phenomena of other origin, as is customary in speaking of the pope and the bishops, who cry to return to paganism for hours Satanism hours for gay marriage. "