and Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, the needle and he sewed that Pia's ass to Lazio "
And Jesus said," Lazziaro , get up, walk ... and then vattenaffanculo "
E Jesus said
"but wanted to win! If so 'attack ar ... fuck "
And Jesus said" Blessed are the poor because his is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed is the man who is committed and has found life ... and lazià lucky you do not understand a shit. "
And Jesus said," Rega parlamise clear. Bongo nun I invented it ... "And Jesus said
" A sower went out, took a handful of seeds and sowed. Some fell on the road, and the birds came to pick them up. Others fell on rocky soil, not put roots and did not produce ears. Others fell on thorns, and the seeds were drowned and eaten by worms. And other fell into good soil and produced a good crop, which gave a sixty and one hundred and twenty one for the co ... artri fooled me there ar process output curve north "And Jesus said
" When the eagle rajerà three times. "
And Jesus said" Verily I say unto thee this very night, before the cock crows you will deny me three times ... but him to cancel a "
Jesus said
"The lost sheep is better than two co baked potatoes. Pay attention Uncle. "
And a deaf man who could not hear the first lotito returned instantly.
Jesus took bread and said ...
" Take and eat this is my body "
took the wine and said. ..
"Take and drink, all this is my blood"
then turned and saw a
Lazio and said "kill, you've already digested !?!?"
Jesus said
"Blessed are the last who will be the first." The first time
je said
Jesus on the cross felt that the end was near.
then turned his eyes to heaven began to scream
"Eli, Eli ... ELII."
A group of Lazio who were in there came curious and asked, "Eli, what?".
Jesus said
"And I mortacci to your shit!"
And Jesus said,
"No Loti vojo not buy Lazio, I told the little children come to me, not
pastures, little children,
AO patience that we only want"
And when Jesus saw that the Magdalene was Zarate said:
"Father, why hast done this?".
and the Lord said, "because my heart will live and bear pain sur tractor"
was then that Jesus rebelled and said the immortal words:
"Father, mejo queer that Lazio."
Jesus taught man and walked barefoot on the water, multiplying loaves and fishes with their hands ...
... the Lazio learned that he was inattentive only way to make the trains co bullshit.
And Jesus said "whoever is without sin cast the first stone ..."
a voice from the bottom of the "throw the stone I throw I ..."
"Floccari finish it!"
and the Lord stopped and said: "There is no offside and rigor" and Thomas said the Moviola in the field ...
And Jesus said,
"Lazio, because you see the speck that is in your brother, but do not notice the wood chips between your teeth? "
Jesus said, addressing the faithful" love your neighbor as yourself "
then turned to the curve north and said
"Lazio to you I love you, love you, love you ..."
"I love you ... BROKEN ER CULOOOO"
And then a miracle appeared Lazio players.
A flaming cross flashed on their heads. And a written de
fire saying: VIGNA IN HOC VINCES.
And so were lost forever in Formello.
Jesus was a dragon to make the sheep astray.
After the flood the Lord spoke to Noah
"Spiritosone, thee seemed like a good joke has two male eagles?"
Moses opened the Red Sea
and turning to the Lord said
"The support here yellow?"
Luca pointed to Jesus and said, "look at the wine mixes !!!!"
then turned, saw a
Lazio said, "rather than give m'esce ass" and sneered
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