Best wishes for Happy Holidays to bees, which in this time of year they stay in the warmth, rest and await the arrival the first rays of sunlight that will warm their flights.
Congratulations also to beekeepers who want to make like the bees, but can not because they have to work on the preparation of the new year and prepare for next spring.
Greetings to all and that these holidays are at rest, reflection on what was the year that is about to conclude and what we want the new year.
The apis friend gives you these lines that follow, we come from a great man who was a beekeeper, writer, man of the woods, a great knowledge of nature and a veteran of the retreat from Russia: Mario Rigoni Stern.
From the book "Between Two Wars:
" ... I do not remember when we started, we do not know how many miles we traveled to get to the magic along Jalan kolobok. Our shoes are are worn out and our feet are wrapped in birch bark.
The village, a few isbas and a wooden church, is collected in a clearing, but beyond this patch of forest that stretches as the taiga and the whole ' air smells of small bright flowers.
The hieromonk Nikotin, along with a dozen of their brethren who have renounced the pleasures of the world, has formed a cooperative here in Jalan to manage an apiary and tries to restore the balance in the family is shocked by the attacks of varroa.
Nikotin Father received us with great hospitality, we open the isba reserved for guests, gives us bread, honey, mead and kvas. We donate to the monks two grouse, two rabbits and two salmon dell'Enisej. In the evening, the fireside, Nikotin father, who before being named Vyacheslav monaco Glusenko radio engineer and was the engineer wants to know something about perestroika, but then he explains how he built the special hives can contain up to ninety thousand Bees with two or even three queens, up to a hundred and fifty pounds of honey and in turn give rise to other families swarming with appropriately adjusted. "But the varroa - ask - as the fight?"
"The fight - says father Nikotin - introducing abundant in the hives handfuls of fern "..."
Happy Holidays
Apis Friends
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