apiary visit today to check the fall of varroa after emergency treatment with oxalic acid sublimated ... it worked! The varroa
death filled the trays of our hives, thus releasing the bees from this annoying pest.
followed by another treatment of the sublime, just before Christmas and then will be able to rest and warm up with each other until the first sun of February!
Today I brought up the glucose that the bees suck a nurturing place over the coprifavo They were delighted to receive this valuable assistance to overcome the lack of stocks hive.
This first delivery by about 2 kg of food, another will follow with the same product. The supply of pre
winter shows less and less optional, given the small amount of honey that remains in the nest at the end summer! Next Saturday at 8
start from home APA Pad bus to go to the home of the CRA-API in Bologna and visit the workshops where we analyze the honey bees and queens are selected. Unfortunately, for reasons I can not work there, but interested members would do well to attend.
PS vorroa larger picture you can see the electron microscope
Alberto and Elisa
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