Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rid Me Of Stomach Acid

Laboratory creative mind

Thanks to my child I have been involved in a creative workshop fantastic
it takes to make a game ....
Laboratory reuse of materials for parents (or grandparents) and children aged 3 to 8 years, and it was a beautiful, funny and involving children and adults all gathered for recycling, reuse, and why not, and prefer to donate games simple without batteries and no electricity. In the laboratory, subjects are treated in a fun and simply have been "built up" games, puppets and masks using materials such as discarded plastic bottles, trays, caps, rags and various papers, in short, the motto was: off to the imagination!

As soon be uploading photos of our jobs!
I must say that my baby liked them so much .... these games and I'm excited because it .... liked it a lot to me!


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