Wednesday I started treatment with thymol buffer.
since last year var life with the bees, the bees (and hence the varroa being phonetic) had moved abundant on the step, this time I decided to try giving half a tablet at a time, instead of a whole, for family, most obviously changing medicine often.
thymol act if the bees are varroa in arnica and since I can not act on the weather (temperature and humidity affect the evaporation of the product, taking it in case of extreme temperatures, making the interior of the hive unbearable ), I attempt to calibrate this quantity and frequency of administration of medicine. with this stupid weather, then it is better to be adjustable at intervals shorter order not to compromise the effectiveness of treatment.
then from more than 40 substances tested for control of brood calcified seems particularly remarkable effect of thymol (alberto countess, bees), this treatment should therefore be beneficial on that front.
thymol bothered by bees flying in front of the hives |
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