The most awaited moment has arrived. Acacia begins to make us feel his precious scents, the fragrance of its flowers is the most beautiful things gives us the spring. The fragrant white clusters for several days appeared in the woods, along the railways, roads and farms.
The bees then begin to work on one of the most expensive honeys to consumers (And thus also to beekeepers), maybe a little 'less naturalists who see Robinia pseudoacacia more like a plant imported from the Americas by Robin, a weed that smothers native plants, such as the oak woods in the hills of thermophilic type, but we can now considered a naturalized citizen, because this is now a few centuries in Europe.
Very useful for hard wood and durable for work in the country (can be used to make piles of various kinds) and is good for firewood in winter.
The high nectar determine a significant production of honey throughout northern Italy, with production of high quality in Piedmont. However, even
Hills Hills and surrounding countryside is often honey locust tree and produces a high quality. Acacia
not to be confused with the manna ash or less, which in this period also produces panicles of white fragrant but not nectar.
begins to bloom and broom, in the soil where this hardy plant with yellow flowers and fragrant, these days it is possible to encounter patches of gorse in fallow land or abandoned quarries or just nell'apiario Apis Friend, on which some have found a broom soil type "volcano" very appropriate.
accompany these lines some photos that will help you to navigate the plants.
The photos were taken April 29.
Good collection of all the bees and beekeepers!
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