What is the color of honey? Usually, the honey is valued for its flavor and aromas that are released when she tasted a spoonful, but the color that we perceive in the jar against the light?
How about doing this experiment: put the jars of honey from Apis Amica 2009 production at the window and try to assess the different shades of color taken from the jar, what do we find? The unmistakable
Acacia , honey-colored straw with a delicate aroma and slightly sweet, light color is then associated with a subtle flavor that resembles the sweet scent of acacia flowers in spring. Sweet, seems to glucose syrup. The
Tuttifiori with his unmistakable light amber color, with a hint of sparkle more than acacia, due to the presence of a great multitude of flowers that give valuable hints of color to the mix created by bees (and dall'apicoltore ). Its color can vary greatly as each area has its flowers, but generally kept very balanced as in taste, and many use it to sweeten without altering too much the flavor of tea or milk. Sweet taste. The Chestnut
, the plant that gives generous fruit and nectar in the fall of men, which stands for honey amber, dark, tending to reddish announces the palate its faintly bitter aftertaste, by the connoisseurs and rejected by the public less attentive.
How can you not love this honey?
Its unique color and elegant invites you to open the jar, and if you get closer to the nose immediately perceiving that his intense, slightly spicy, reminiscent of the summer flowers of the plant. And finally
Metcalfa pruinosa honeydew , insect valuable for beekeepers, but not for some plants, as it feeds on the sap. The bees collect the waste that Metcalfa produces sugar, and bring this liquid is rich in minerals to make it a honeyed hive. The origin of the product is therefore different from honey and has nothing to do with the flowers! The color is dark brown, almost tending to dark brown, very thick and viscous and the flavor is typically malty and caramel. Dona warm sensation on the palate and has a sweet (but not too much).
Each color is a journey that our eye can tell already, and it is confirmed on the palate. We just have to choose the product that best satisfies us, that best represents the place in which we live, think, we can find these in the Hills Hills honeys, in addition to lime, and perhaps a bit 'of strawberry.
about this fund helps us to know in an area that is not homogenous and uniform gives us different views just by turning around a mountain, which shows how good Antonio to the south has a thermophilic vegetation of acacias and oaks, while to the north chestnut (unless we are in the Mediterranean area just to be precise!)
Until next time, bzz, bzz ...
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