Dandelion, begins to turn up in the meadows, and bees means having high quality pollen and nectar, beekeepers risk even more good to collect this precious honey that has quality healing for the liver intoxicated. To be able to collect, beekeepers have to "pump" or artificial food (glucose or other sugars) their bees, in order to have a large number of booty ready to rest on these attractive flowers.
Its high cost is just due to the fact that it takes extra work for the beekeepers, bees and for her friends, Alex and I have never thought of producing this special honey, even if the fields around HONEY Hills Hills are full of dandelions, perhaps one day we could even think about it, but for now we are content to let the honey settle "healing" the bees to fill the nest and strengthen the available stocks of honey beehive.
Right now you can insert the comb foundations, to replace old combs blackened or deformed, which will be constructed in an optimal manner and with the certainty that those new combs are born Young ready to foraging honey bees that His Majesty the main acacia (bloom in late April).
If you want to attend should write to the apiary and we will agree apis.amica @ libero.it .
soon. Alberto
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