maurizio Loze writes on Sunday, a little piece on the crisis in beekeeping Trieste.
this was a bad year for bees: long and hard winter, blooms ruined by bad weather, mites, and Loze, interviewing the president of the consortium Trieste auspicious seventh, takes stock of the situation, estimating the Trieste honey production falling about 50%.
good intent, to make known the beekeeping sector is not sufficiently appreciated, unfortunately the result is derived that is imprecise and messy.
the first crop, the pollen of Acacia, is bankrupt ...acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) is important from the point of view nettrifero and not so much pollen. also the first crop of pollen, here, is that of the hazel (Corylus avellana).
the confusion between pollen and nectar are told that if it continues
water brought to the ground, in addition to flowers, even that pollen is the food of worker beesworker bees do not feed on pollen, which is the source of protein that serves the development of the larvae and queen.
others are also references the wrong combination pollen / honey. that there is at the base of honey nectar, I think I already studied in elementary school ...
wanting to be picky there are imperfections with regard to varroa, but here we are already gauges for insiders, and then we fly over.
beekeeping is spoken only in reference to mass deaths, poisonings, adversity, crisis. yet it remains a fascinating and mysterious world that deserves at least to be treated within the terms and proper ways, especially if you want to own the hope with which Loze closes the article: deny the role of Cinderella in the primary sector which for years beekeeping bear.