acacia acacias blossom honey extraction of pollen load
time of acacia has arrived! The spectacle of flowering that happens every year, beekeepers brings us the happiness of a generous nature that renews and gives her precious nectar.
Even if I stop doing beekeeping, keep watching the plants with the same pleasure that now I feel in being in a grove of acacia trees, with the bees who collect the precious liquid in a frantic white sugar from the grapes of this beautiful plant.
Honey production is certainly important, but the benefit that everyone can have in admiring the changing seasons and changing weather conditions day after day, is an attention that makes us grow and allows us to get closer to nature in its broadest sense. The laying
of the supers took place last week and the bees are at work, families are a bit 'late as development, owing to a rainy and humid weather pattern, in recent months.
For now, fingers crossed, hoping that the climate is kept warm but not too much to allow a good harvest.